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Benefits of Pilates

Updated: Sep 1, 2023

Where to begin, there is a plethora of benefits to adding Pilates into your weekly workout regimen.

In the early 20th century, Joseph Pilates devised a method of corrective and healing exercises. Mr. Pilates called it Contrology, the study of control and emphasized the breathe in every movement. Influenced by the injured soldiers in WWI, created the well known apparatus, or the Universal Reformer. On this machine, and others, there are assisted exercises for all ages and abilities.

Core Strength

Pilates is well known for being core intensive. In Pilates, its referred to as the "Power House." All movements originate from the "Power House." And don't forget the core isn't just the abdominal wall, it consists of all the muscles attached to the axial skeleton, from your shoulders to your glutes. Having a strong core stabilizes the trunk and protects the lumbar spine (lower back).

Muscle Strength and Tone


Exercises done in Pilates challenges range of motion and flexibility. If done consistently, the muscles will become more hydrated and flexible. Older clients and clients post back surgeries find the universal reformer is the only way they are able to stretch their lower back and hamstrings effectively. This is because the legs in the straps are assisted and the back is safely stabilized by the carriage.

Posture and Body Awareness

Movements are generally done slow and with precision, bringing awareness to the muscles being engaged. The instructor will also use touch to cue the muscles needed for proper form and create a new pattern of movement in the correct position. With this heightened sense of awareness, you're able to use proper anatomical alignment in all other aspects of your life.


Pilates is renowned for its emphasis on balance, and the benefits it brings to both the body and mind are numerous. By incorporating exercises that challenge stability and coordination, Pilates helps to improve balance and proprioception, which is the body's awareness of its position in space. Enhanced balance not only reduces the risk of falls and injuries but also promotes better posture and alignment. Additionally, by engaging the deep stabilizing muscles, Pilates fosters core strength, leading to a more stable center of gravity and improved control of movement. Beyond the physical benefits, the focus on balance in Pilates cultivates mental concentration and mindfulness, allowing practitioners to find harmony between mind and body.

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